What is Stigma?

Stigma refers to society’s negative attitudes and beliefs towards certain groups of people. When it comes to mental illness, stigma manifests in various ways. Media often portrays individuals with mental illness as dangerous, rebellious, or childlike. This portrayal fuels fear, exclusion, and a sense of needing to control those with mental health conditions. Consequently, people with mental illness may face discrimination in employment, housing, and even legal matters. Unlike physical diseases, mental health conditions are often unfairly attributed to personal responsibility, exacerbating the stigma they face. In This blog post, we will explore mental health stigma and its complexity. So, let’s dive in.

Anne’s Story: A Victim of Mental Health Stigma.

mental healh stigma

Anne, a 25-year-old woman with schizophrenia, experienced the harsh reality of stigma. Despite periods of stability and productivity, Anne’s recent relapse led to discrimination at work and within her own family. Her employer, influenced by misconceptions about mental illness, terminated her employment, fearing she might pose a danger to herself or others. Anne’s supportive family was concerned for her safety and pressured her to move back home. This caused her to lose her social support network at work. In just a month after leaving the hospital, Anne lost her job, home, and friends due to the stigma surrounding her condition. In contrast, individuals with chronic physical illnesses like diabetes, despite facing similar challenges, do not typically encounter the same level of public stigma.

Labelling individuals often leads to an ‘us versus them’ mentality, perpetuating the notion of fundamental differences between groups. This language reinforces the idea that labelled individuals are inherently different from those without labels. For instance, calling someone a ‘schizophrenic’ rather than a person with schizophrenia emphasises this distinction. In contrast, with physical illnesses, people typically say, ‘a person has cancer,’ language can become a potent tool in perpetuating stigma.

Fear of Stigma: A Barrier to Seeking Health Services.

Mental health sigma

Accessing mental health treatments can significantly improve the symptoms of individuals with mental health illnesses. However, many who could benefit from receiving treatments from mental health care providers often avoid starting their treatments or discontinuing them after only giving them a short trial period. This trend isn’t limited to minor disorders; even individuals with severe conditions like schizophrenia often don’t engage in treatment as expected. Lack of complete adherence to prescribed interventions, such as medication, contributes to high rates of relapse, leading to substantial healthcare costs worldwide. The fear of being labelled and stigmatised as mentally ill—plays a crucial role.

The fear of being labelled causes great concern to consumers. They are aware of societal prejudices against mental illness and wish to avoid being associated with the label of “mentally ill.” Therefore, participation in mental health services often becomes the primary trigger for public stigma.

Research supports the notion that stigma significantly hampers service utilisation. Studies have shown that individuals are less likely to seek help if they anticipate adverse reactions from family members. Even those with higher education levels, like nursing or medical students, may avoid seeking help due to concerns about stigma.

Combatting Stigma: Strategies and Initiatives

In 1996, the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) launched a global initiative aimed at combating the stigma and discrimination associated with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia was selected as the focal point due to its severe symptoms. Its nature and societal associations with mental illness impede the rehabilitation of affected individuals. The WPA initiative seeks to enhance understanding and awareness of schizophrenia and its treatment options, improve public perceptions of individuals with schizophrenia and their families, and use efforts to eradicate discrimination and prejudice. The barriers are breaking down slowly with education, but more strategies and initiatives must be introduced and targeted.  

Education: Challenging Stigma through Knowledge.

Mental health stigma

Education is a powerful tool in combatting stigma by presenting contradictory information to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions. Various formats, such as books, videos, and structured teaching programs, have aimed to spread knowledge across nations. Brief educational courses on mental illness have demonstrated efficacy in reducing stigmatising attitudes across diverse groups, including police officers, industrial workers, government employees, and high school students.

By offering education on mental illness, these programs help individuals develop a better understanding of the complexities of mental health. They provide insights into the experiences of those living with mental illness, challenging preconceived notions and fostering kindness, empathy and understanding. Through education, people learn to recognise and reject stigmatising beliefs, promoting a more inclusive and supportive society for individuals with mental health conditions.

Education empowers individuals to advocate for change, spreading awareness and challenging community stigma. By equipping people with accurate information, education becomes a powerful tool for promoting acceptance and understanding of mental health issues. As these educational efforts continue to expand and reach more people, they hold the potential to impact societal attitudes significantly positively towards mental illness.

In conclusion, stigma remains a significant barrier in the lives of those with mental health conditions, perpetuating discrimination and isolation. Anne’s story is a stark reminder of how deeply ingrained societal attitudes can lead to devastating consequences. However, there is hope. Through targeted initiatives like those of the World Psychiatric Association and the widespread use of education, we can begin to dismantle the misconceptions that fuel stigma. By promoting understanding, empathy, and acceptance, we can create a society where mental health is treated with the same respect and compassion as physical health. The journey is ongoing, but with continued effort, we can pave the way for a future where stigma is no longer a roadblock to well-being.

“In a world quick to judge, kindness is the shield that protects against the arrows of stigma.”


If you or any member of your family or friends need help from suffering from a mental illness, please seek mental healthcare providers such as. beyondblue.org.au/about/contact-us

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