Think of it as a situation where you climb into bed, expecting a restful night’s sleep, but your mind remains active, racing with thoughts about various aspects of your life. That’s insomnia! This blog post explores insomnia and the use of EFT-emotional therapy. Explore the video on ETF with Brad Yates and view how to elevate your sleep experience today! It’s like receiving a nightly hug from the sandman himself. So, let’s dive in.

What Is Insomnia?

Insomnia is persistent sleep difficulty, poor rest, and constant tossing and turning. Nights are disrupted, leaving minds weary, trapped in a sleepless cycle, and waking up in the morning feeling like you have not rested.

Difficulty Falling Asleep: When you first get into bed, you find it challenging to drift off. Your mind seems to be on overdrive, thinking about various things, making it hard to relax and fall asleep.

Frequent Nighttime Awakenings: With this type of insomnia, you may fall asleep initially but wake up multiple times at night. These awakenings can be brief, but they disrupt your sleep pattern and make it difficult to get a deep, uninterrupted rest.

Early Morning Awakening: Here, you wake up much earlier than you would like, often before your intended wake-up time. Even if you’re still tired, it can be challenging to go back to sleep.

There are 2 main types of Insomnia:

Primary Insomnia can become chronic if left untreated and is typically diagnosed when sleep disturbances persist for at least three nights a week for three months or longer.

Secondary Insomnia: Secondary insomnia is associated with an underlying medical, psychiatric, or environmental condition. Factors like chronic pain, depression, anxiety disorders, medications, or substance abuse can trigger it. Treating the underlying cause is essential to alleviate secondary insomnia.

Insomnia can leave you tired, irritable, and unable to concentrate during the day. Identifying and addressing the factors contributing to your insomnia is essential, as it can significantly impact your overall well-being and quality of life. When insomnia strikes and you find yourself lying awake in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep, there are techniques, one of which comes to mind—the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

Using EFT Emotional Freedom Therapy for Sleep Insomnia at Night:

Find a Comfortable Position: If you’re already in bed, stay there and get comfortable. You can use EFT while lying down. If you’ve gotten out of bed, return to a comfortable position.

Take Deep Breaths: Begin with a few deep, calming breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and then exhale gently through your mouth. This can help relax your body and mind.

Identify the Issue: Think about what might be keeping you awake. It could be worries, stress, or racing thoughts. Try to pinpoint the specific problem or concern that’s on your mind.

Rate Your Distress: On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being no distress and 10 being extreme distress, rate how much this issue bothers you. This will help you track your progress.

Perform the Tapping Sequence: Use your fingertips to tap specific acupressure points on your body gently. These points include the top of your head, the inside of your wrist, and the side of your eye, among others. As you tap each point, express your feelings and concerns related to the issue.

For example, if you’re worried about a work project, you might say, “Even though I’m worried about this project, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Repeat the Process: Continue tapping on each point while addressing your issue. Gradually, you should start to feel a sense of relaxation and relief.

Reassess Your Distress Level: After a few rounds of tapping, reassess your level of distress. Has it gone down? Most people find their distress decreases as they continue the EFT process.

Return to Bed: Once you feel calmer and your distress level has decreased significantly, return to bed and attempt to sleep again. If your thoughts or concerns resurface, repeat the process as needed.

EFT can be a valuable tool for calming your mind and reducing anxiety, making it easier to fall back asleep when insomnia strikes in the middle of the night. However, it’s important to remember that EFT might not work instantly for everyone, and consistency in practice can lead to better results over time.

Check out the video on Tapping into a Good Night’s Sleep (Insomnia) – EFT with Brad Yates. 


If EFT doesn’t help, you can always try The Cozy Embrace of Weighted Blankets.

Elevate Your Sleep Experience Today! It’s Like Receiving A Nightly Hug From The Sandman Himself.

The Dornroscn Bamboo Cooling Weighted Blanket with 100% Natural Bamboo Viscose.

sleep insomnia

Weighted blankets offer a physical remedy for insomnia’s relentless grip. These blankets, filled with weighted materials like glass beads or plastic pellets, provide deep pressure stimulation (DPS) to soothe the nervous system, reduce anxiety, and enhance sleep quality. They’re like a warm, comforting hug that lulls you into a peaceful slumber.

Weighted blankets work their magic through deep-pressure stimulation. The gentle, evenly distributed weight across your body triggers the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

Choosing the right weighted blanket is akin to selecting a loyal bedtime companion. It should be neither too heavy nor too light. Experts recommend a blanket that’s around 10% of your body weight. Beyond weight, consider the fabric and design that best suits your comfort preferences. Whether you opt for cosy flannel or breathable cotton, your blanket should wrap you in comfort.


So, guys, in the quest for restful nights and revitalising sleep, we’ve explored the intricate realm of insomnia and discovered two remarkable allies: The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and the soothing embrace of weighted blankets. These unconventional yet highly effective tools offer solace and transformation to those who have struggled with sleepless nights.

Insomnia, a condition that plagues countless individuals, has been demystified. We’ve come to understand that its causes are diverse, often stemming from stress, anxiety, poor sleep habits, medical conditions, or medications. The symptoms, from difficulty falling asleep to frequent nighttime awakenings and early morning arousal, can leave us tired and irritable during the day.

Remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for sleep therapy. Combining these tools, EFT and weighted blankets, with healthy sleep habits like a consistent bedtime routine and a comfortable sleep environment can pave the way for rejuvenating rest.

In the wise words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Finish each day before you begin the next, and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two.” May you find that solid wall of sleep, fortified by the power of EFT and the embrace of a weighted blanket, to usher you into sweet dreams and restful nights. Sleep well and embrace the gift of a refreshed tomorrow!

“Kindness is a gentle lullaby that can soothe even the most restless nights of insomnia.”


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