Building resilience has become crucial for individuals and organisations to thrive in today’s fast-paced and dynamic work environment. One aspect of building resilience that deserves attention is reliance on the ability to lean on others for support, collaboration, and growth. In this article post, we will explore the significance of reliance at work, highlighting its impact on personal and professional development in the workplace. Discover the 7 Cs Model of Resilience and critical findings of resilience research. So, let’s dive in.

What is Resilience?

what is buildong resilience

Resilience is like having a superpower that helps you bounce back from tough times. Imagine it’s like being a rubber ball; no matter how hard you hit the ground, you always spring back up!

When life throws challenges your way, whether it’s a bad day at work, a project gone wrong, or any personal trouble, being resilient means you don’t stay down for long.

You learn from what happened, shake off the dust, and move forward with a smile. It’s about keeping your chin up and finding ways to stay positive and hopeful, even when things get rough.

Learning about resilience is like learning how to keep your boat steady in stormy seas—a skill that makes life’s journey more enjoyable. It involves maintaining stamina and positivity in the face of challenges and using these experiences as an opportunity for growth.

Resilience is not about avoiding stress or difficulty but developing the skills and mindset to navigate these challenges effectively. This quality can be applied in various aspects of life, including personal well-being, professional environments, and even community dynamics, helping individuals and groups adapt and thrive despite obstacles.

Understanding the Importance of Building Resilience and Reliance in the Workplace.

Reliance refers to depending on or trusting in something or someone. It can also mean confidence in a person, system, or mechanism. Reliance is often discussed in terms of interpersonal relationships, where individuals depend on each other for support, guidance, or assistance.

Reliance is critical in the workplace. It fosters collaboration, boosts efficiency, and drives success. Trust your team, delegate wisely, and witness the transformative impact of dependence on productivity. Reliance cultivates a dynamic workplace. By trusting colleagues, you create a foundation for seamless teamwork. Projects move forward with momentum when individuals lean on each other’s strengths.

Accountability is crucial in a reliable team. Each team member takes ownership of their communications and responsibilities, upholding deadlines and quality standards. Communication and reliance empower employees. Knowing that their contributions matter and their beliefs are valued within the team builds confidence. Trust your team to deliver results and:

  • Avoid Micromanagement. Micromanaging stifles creativity and undermines confidence. Give your team the space to excel, and you’ll be amazed at the results.
  • Celebrate Successes Together. Acknowledge the collective effort that led to achievements. Recognizing and rewarding team accomplishments fosters a positive and motivated work environment.

Adaptability is a hallmark of a reliable team. Embrace change, pivot when necessary, and trust your team. A flexible team is a resilient team. Reliance extends beyond your immediate team. Collaborate with other departments and teams. Cross-functional reliance enhances overall organizational efficiency and drives holistic success. Continuous improvement is fueled by reliance. Encourage feedback and embrace a culture of learning. Teams that rely on each other for constructive criticism grow more robust and capable.

Building resilience in the workplace involves creating an environment and culture that supports employees in managing stress and overcoming challenges effectively. Here are several strategies to help foster resilience:

Building resilience in the work place
  • Promote Open Communication: Encourage open and honest dialogue among team members and between employees and management. This helps in addressing issues before they escalate and fosters a supportive atmosphere.
  • Encourage Professional Development: Offer opportunities for employees to learn new skills and advance their knowledge. This boosts their confidence and helps them feel more equipped to handle workplace challenges.
  • Support Work-Life Balance: Recognize the importance of personal time and ensure that employees aren’t consistently overwhelmed with work demands. Flexible working hours and remote work options can contribute to this balance.
  • Strengthen Team Connections: Team-building activities that aren’t necessarily work-related can improve relationships and communication among colleagues, making the workplace more supportive.
  • Offer Support Resources: Provide access to mental health resources, such as counselling services or workshops on stress management and resilience building. Knowing these available resources can alleviate stress and help employees cope with challenges.
  • Foster a Positive Work Environment: Cultivate a culture of positivity by recognizing and celebrating successes, however small. This can boost morale and motivate employees to push through tough times.
  • Implement Feedback Loops: Regular feedback helps employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Constructive feedback is essential for growth and resilience, allowing individuals to learn from their experiences.
  • Lead by Example: Leaders should model resilient behaviours, showing how to handle stress and setbacks effectively. Leadership plays a crucial role in setting the tone for resilience within the team.

By integrating these strategies, workplaces can build a resilient workforce better prepared to face the pressures and challenges of the modern work environment, enhancing individual and organizational success.

Who is Hugh Van Cuylenburg? He is a Champion of Building Resilience.

Hugh Van Cuylenburg is an influential figure who has dedicated his career to promoting resilience and well-being. As the founder of ‘The Resilience Project,‘ he has worked with numerous individuals and organisations, sharing practical strategies for building resilience and enhancing mental health.

The 7 Cs Model of Resilience:

Hugh Van Cuylenburg’s 7 Cs model of resilience provides a Building resilience framework for cultivating resilience. These seven elements, Connection, Contribution, Coping, Control, Confidence, Character, and Competence, are pillars of a resilient mindset. Each component is crucial in enhancing an individual’s ability to navigate challenges, adapt to adversity, and thrive in the face of setbacks.

Connection: Resilience begins with fostering meaningful connections with others. Building a robust support system provides emotional and social support, creating a sense of belonging. Strong connections enable individuals to share experiences, seek guidance, and receive encouragement during difficult times.

Contribution: Engaging in acts of kindness and contributing to the well-being of others can significantly impact one’s resilience. By extending support to others, individuals experience a sense of purpose and fulfilment, reinforcing their ability to overcome personal challenges.

Coping: Resilience involves developing effective coping mechanisms for stress and adversity. This includes cultivating healthy habits, practising mindfulness, and employing positive coping strategies that promote mental and emotional well-being.

Control: Recognizing and focusing on aspects of life within one’s power is crucial for building resilience. Individuals regain a sense of agency by directing energy towards manageable tasks and setting realistic goals, empowering them to face challenges proactively.

Confidence: Building self-confidence is a critical component of resilience. Acknowledging personal strengths, celebrating achievements, and fostering a positive self-image contribute to increased confidence. This, in turn, enhances the ability to tackle challenges with a resilient mindset.

Character: Developing a resilient character involves cultivating perseverance, optimism, and adaptability. Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning contributes to enduring adversity.

Competence: Continuous learning and skill development are integral to resilience. Building competence in various aspects of life equips individuals with the tools needed to navigate challenges effectively. This could involve acquiring new skills, seeking knowledge, or refining existing abilities.

Incorporating these seven elements into one’s life forms a comprehensive approach to resilience. The 7 Cs model highlights the interconnected nature of these components, emphasising that a balanced and proactive approach to each pillar contributes to the overall development of a resilient mindset. By consciously cultivating these elements, individuals can fortify themselves against life’s uncertainties and emerge stronger from adversity.

Studies have shown that reliance promotes collaboration and knowledge-sharing among team members, improving problem-solving abilities. When team members rely on each other’s expertise and perspectives, individuals can generate innovative solutions and make more informed decisions.

Research also indicates that employees who feel supported and connected to their colleagues are more satisfied with their jobs and exhibit higher levels of engagement. Reliance fosters a sense of belonging and social support, contributing to overall job satisfaction and motivation.

Moreover, reliance can buffer against workplace stress and burnout. When individuals have reliable colleagues they can turn to for assistance or advice, the burden of workload and pressure is distributed, alleviating stress levels. Additionally, supportive relationships at work provide emotional support, fostering resilience in the face of challenges.

It is important to note that reliance at work should be balanced with individual autonomy and independence. Overreliance or dependency on others may hinder personal growth and inhibit creativity. However, when reliance is practised healthily and collaboratively, it can significantly positively affect individual and organisational well-being.


A Building Resilience Book – The Power Of Experience
Hugh van Cuylenburg was a primary school teacher volunteering in northern India. He had a life-changing realization: Despite the underprivileged community the children were from, they were remarkably positive.

By contrast, back in Australia, Hugh knew that all too many people found it hard to be happy or suffered from mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. His little sister had been ravaged by anorexia nervosa.

How was it that young people he knew at home, who had food, shelter, friends and a loving family, struggled with their mental health while these kids seemed so contented and resilient?

He set about finding the answer and identified three pivotal traits—gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness—that seemed to underpin the children’s resilience.

In the ensuing years, Hugh threw himself into studying and sharing this revelation with the world through
The Resilience Project, with his playful and unorthodox presentations, which both entertain and inform.

With the same blend of humour, poignancy, and clear-eyed insight that The Resilience Project has become renowned for, Hugh explains how we can all get the tools we need to live happier and more fulfilling lives.

‘Hilarious, inspiring and heartbreakingly vulnerable, this book has the potential to be life-changing.’

READ THIS BOOK, AND YOU WILL- 1,182 ratings and 4.6-star reviews.
> Learn the secrets of resilience through powerful and touching stories from people Hugh has met and helped during his years on the road.
> Explore the neuroscience of resilience and discover how we can address and cultivate it in our daily lives.
> Embrace the power of gratitude in transforming mental health and enhancing overall well-being.
> Overcome personal barriers and obstacles that hinder personal growth and mental health.
> Understand the crucial role of parents in helping raise happier children and learn practical strategies to do so effectively.

Get Your Copy Today. Click on the link –
The Resilience Project: Finding Happiness through Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness.

Building on Hugh Van Cuylenburg’s 7 Cs model of resilience, incorporating principles such as connection, contribution, and coping into the workplace can significantly enhance both individual and collective resilience. By doing so, organisations not only weather challenges more effectively but also emerge more robust, more adaptive, and innovative. This approach ensures that employees survive in their roles and thrive, leading to a more dynamic and productive workplace.

In conclusion, reliance and resilience are interconnected forces that, when harnessed correctly, can transform a workplace. By embedding these resilience-building strategies into the fabric of organisational culture, businesses can create environments where employees feel supported and valued. This, in turn, fosters a robust, responsive workforce ready to meet future challenges head-on. Embracing these principles does more than improve individual outcomes; it drives the entire organisation towards tremendous success and sustainability.

Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind, the second is to be kind, and the third is to be kind.  “Be a little kinder than you must, and blessings will come your way.”


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2 thought on “How do You Build Resilience at Work?”
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